Monday, September 28, 2015

Henrik Drescher

I enjoy this piece because of it's imagery as well as the message behind it. I really enjoy the mark making that Henrik used in the persons face and hands. Though the dark marks aren't blended or subtle, they show the shadows in his face, so you can tell where the light is hitting him. I also like the marks around the person's eyes because they show how he is tired or maybe even beaten.  As far as the message goes, I really like the way he is portraying censorship. Though I am not 100% sure what he is trying to say about censorship exactly, this piece makes you wonder about censorship and how it relates to the artist. Maybe to him, he had had to censor himself to fit society's standards and it feels to him as though he had to "cut off his tongue." It's a very strong and important message.
I really enjoy the color used in this piece, as well as the mark making that went into creating the big and small details in the drawing. The message behind this piece really speaks to me because it seems almost as if these are zombies crawling around with money all over their bodies. The message may be about how money controls most people and the things that they do, and in some cases, people who may be so controlled as if they are zombies.