Sunday, December 20, 2015

20x30 Preparation

Subject: the subject of my 20x30 is flies coming out of somebody's mouth.
Concept: Flies are known the symbolize death or evil, so I want to show the "evil" or the negative energy leaving my body.
Value sketch: 

Monday, December 14, 2015

My Cloth Drawing

I think the composition in my drawing is okay, but it could've been planned out better. This piece was very rushed and I didn't put as much thought into it as I should've. I used a lot of soft edges to make the piece seem very calm, but I think I should've used harder edges too. 

Classmate's Cloth Drawing

The composition of this piece is very strong, and she did a really nice job of using hard and soft edges in the skull and inside some of the creases in the cloth. I also think this piece is very creative and skull isn't too distracting, since the focal point is supposed to be the cloth.

Monday, November 23, 2015

My Self Portrait

Kenzie's Self Portrait

I really like Kenzie's piece because of the amazing shadows and highlights in the face and all throughout the padded room she's in. The padded walls and floors also seem to have texture. They look soft and round like they are supposed to and you can tell what kind of room it is as soon as you look at the portrait. I also really like how great the foreshortening and depth in this portrait is.