1. How did you use the drawing tools to describe the FORM (3D quality) of the subject?
I mostly used a 6B and ebony to create the dark shadows that were in the folds of the paper airplane and the shadow at the bottom. I barely focused on the true white parts of the airplane, but I used a tortillion and a paper towel to blend out the pencil marks and make a gradient effect.
2. How does your drawing show your understanding of placement on the page (composition)? Did you plan it out?
I did not do a lot of planning for this drawing, but I did try to draw as much as I could possibly fit on the page.
3. Does your drawing show a creative (or personal) use of tools, subject or composition?
I personally don’t think so. This drawing was very rushed and I know that I could’ve done a much better job if I had taken my time.
I personally don’t think so. This drawing was very rushed and I know that I could’ve done a much better job if I had taken my time.